Average June Weather In Miami

Average June Weather In Miami

What’s average June weather in Miami? Daily high temperatures rarely drop below 83°F or rise above 91°F, rising by 2°F to 88°F.

Daily lows hover around 77°F, rarely dropping below 72°F or rising over 81°F.

In Miami, temperatures normally vary from 79°F to 90°F on August 9, the hottest day of the year, and from 62°F to 76°F on January 17, the coldest day of the year.

Clouds Of Average June Weather In Miami

Increased cloud cover is observed in Miami during the month of June, with the proportion of time the sky is overcast or largely cloudy rising from 56 to 67 percent.

With clear, mostly clear, or partly overcast conditions 44% of the time, June 1 is the clearest day of the month.

For comparison, the likelihood of overcast or mostly cloudy weather is 68 percent on July 7, the cloudiest day of the year, while the chance of clear, mostly clear, or partly cloudy skies is 71 percent on March 7, the clearest day of the year.


A day that has at least 0.04 inches of liquid or liquid-equivalent precipitation is considered to be wet. Beginning the month at 49% and concluding it at 60% in Miami, the likelihood of a wet day is rapidly increasing during the month.

For comparison, the probability of a wet day is 62 percent on August 24 and 15 percent on January 31 of each year.

Temperature Of Average June Weather In Miami

In June, there are plenty of opportunities to soak up the sun. Miami begins to heat up significantly in this month, with daily average temperatures rising to as much as 27°C. That’s a big cry from the 20°C norms of January, and the extreme humidity will also let you know it.

Rain Of Average June Weather In Miami

Don’t believe that the rain will help you feel cooler; in fact, the rainy weather only contributes to increasing the humidity. Check the forecast before leaving to determine when you will need to avoid the rain because there will be a lot of it. As 178mm of rain will fall over a period of about 13 days this month, which is really the third wettest of the year, torrential downpours are not uncommon. Since the rainy season has arrived, you should put a poncho or raincoat in your luggage.

Read about: Average August Weather In Miami – Global Travel Idea

Rainfall Of Average June Weather In Miami

We display the rainfall accumulated over a sliding 31-day period centered on each day in order to highlight variety throughout the month rather than just the monthly average.

The average sliding 31-day rainfall in Miami for the month of June is nearly steady, staying around 5.9 inches the entire time, and very sometimes going over 10.6 inches or below 1.8 inches.

The day of June 17 had the greatest average 31-day accumulation of 6.3 inches.

Growing Season Of Average June Weather In Miami

The term “growing season” is interpreted differently around the world, however for the purposes of this study, we use the definition of the longest continuous period of below-freezing temperatures ( 32°F) (the calendar year in the Northern Hemisphere, or from July 1 until June 30 in the Southern Hemisphere).

Miami’s year-round warm temperatures make it unnecessary to talk specifically about the growth season in these terms. Despite this, we provide the graph below as an example of the temperature distribution seen throughout the year.

Sea Temperature Of Average June Weather In Miami

Going down to the white sands here will provide you the opportunity to take a plunge in the water. Coastal American communities like this one are frequently quite alluring due to their beaches. Despite the fact that the average sea temperature is a warm 29°C, it might not be as cool as you expect. This makes swimming incredibly comfortable, but keep a watch on the skies because lightning strikes during a storm may require you to leave the water.

Since it is high summer, many tourists prefer to travel at this time of year, but if you want a less crowded vacation, you may still avoid the typical tourist routes.

Sun Of Average June Weather In Miami

Average June Weather In Miami
Average June Weather In Miami

In Miami, the length of the day is basically constant throughout the month of June. The longest day of the month is June 21, with 13 hours, 45 minutes of daylight, while June 1 has the least amount of daylight at 13 hours, 39 minutes.

Miami experiences its earliest and latest sunrises of the month at 6:28 on June 9 and 6:32 on June 30, respectively.

The earliest and latest sunsets occur on June 1 and June 30, respectively, at 8:08 and 8:16 PM.

Miami observes daylight saving time in 2022, however the month of June sees neither the beginning nor the end of the changeover.

Solar Power Of Average June Weather In Miami

The total daily incident shortwave solar radiation that strikes the ground over a large area is covered in this section, taking into consideration seasonal variations in day length, the Sun’s position above the horizon, and absorption by clouds and other atmospheric components. UV and visible light both fall within the category of shortwave radiation.

The average daily incident shortwave solar energy in Miami is progressively lowering over the month of June, dropping by 0.8 kWh, from 5.8 kWh to 5.0 kWh.

Moon Of Average June Weather In Miami

The relevant lunar data for June 2022 is condensed into the figure below. The colorful sections show when the moon is over the horizon. The horizontal axis represents the day, the vertical axis represents the hour of the day. Key Moon phases are denoted by the vertical gray (new Moons) and blue (full Moons) bars. Each bar’s label includes the time and date when the phase was recorded, as well as the moon’s rise and set times for the closest time interval during which the moon was above the horizon.

Humidity Of Average June Weather In Miami

The dew point serves as the foundation for determining the comfort level of humidity since it controls whether sweat will evaporate from the skin and cool the body. Higher dew points seem more humid, whereas lower dew points feel dryer. While the temperature may decrease at night, a humid day is generally followed by a muggy night because dew point changes more slowly than temperature, which frequently varies dramatically between night and day.

In Miami, the likelihood that a given day will be muggy increases during the month of June, going from 93 percent to 100 percent.

For comparison, the muggiest day of the year, July 16, has 100% muggier circumstances than the least muggiest day of the year, January 25.

Topography Of Average June Weather In Miami

Miami’s geographic coordinates are 25.774 degrees latitude, -80.194 degrees longitude, and 7 feet elevation for the purposes of this report.

Within two miles of Miami, the landscape is mainly flat, with an average elevation above sea level of five feet and a maximum elevation change of 36 feet. It’s also essentially flat within 10 kilometers (36 feet). It’s also essentially flat within 50 miles (82 feet).

Within two miles of Miami, artificial surfaces and water make up 64% of the landscape, whereas artificial surfaces and water make up 49% of the landscape within ten miles and 53% of the landscape within fifty miles, respectively (31 percent ).


Because June will be hot and humid with frequent showers, wear light, breathable clothing. Be sure to include your beach essentials, such as a pair of comfortable flip flops, sunglasses, sunscreen, and a sturdy pair of walking shoes. Pack an umbrella as well; June is the second wettest month of the year.

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