How Far Is North Carolina From Florida? Travel Distance
How far is North Carolina from Florida?
Driving to North Carolina will take you about 10 hours and 10 minutes, depending on traffic. The distance between the states is around 668 miles.
To make the drive a little easier on yourself, consider stopping for the night halfway through. To keep the costs of the trip low, you can rent a campsite rather than get a hotel room. Even sleeping in your car is an option if you so choose. You’ll be able to divide the trip into smaller segments in this manner without going over budget.
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Is There A Direct Bus Running From North Carolina To Florida?
Not a single bus travels directly from North Carolina to Florida. There are, however, services that travel from Charlotte and stop in Columbia before continuing on to Jacksonville. Including transfers, the trip lasts about nine hours.
How Far Is It To Drive From North Carolina To Florida?
The short answer is that you can drive the entire distance without stopping if you don’t sleep at all or have a friend with you who can drive a portion of the way each.
Nonstop drive: 640 miles or 1030 km
Driving time: 9 hours, 40 minutes

It’s not very practical to drive continuously for such a long distance. Scroll down to figure out how many hours this road trip would actually take if you drove with stops to get a better idea of how long it would be.
How Far Away By Air Is Florida From North Carolina?
Now imagine you have a private jet and can travel from North Carolina (NC) to Florida (FL) as quickly as possible in a straight line. The shortest distance is actually the “great circle” distance, also known as “as the crow flies,” which is determined using an iterative Vincenty formula. This is because of how the Earth is curved. On a long-distance trip, this appears as a curve on the map. Additionally, since commercial airlines frequently follow this route, it provides a reliable estimate of the number of frequent flyer miles you’ll accrue.
Flight distance: 549 miles or 884 km
Flight time: 1 hour, 36 minutes
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Driving distance is roughly one mile longer than a straight-line flight because there are 91 miles fewer road miles in a straight line.2x of the flight distance.
The flight takes about 1/6th as long as driving because your plane travels at a faster speed than a car.
This is a medium-length flight, so unless you have a nice private jet, you might be booking a commercial flight. Then, you would need to factor in the time it takes to get to your local airport, wait for security, board and taxi on the runway, take off from one airport, land at the other, and then travel to your destination. For a more accurate estimate of your actual flight time, scroll down to see a more practical calculation that takes all these factors into account.
Fastest Way Between Florida And North Carolina
Flying, which costs $2300–$7000 and takes 3h 5m, is the quickest way to travel from North Carolina to Florida.
The Cheapest Expensive Way To Travel Between Florida & North Carolina
Bus travel from North Carolina to Florida costs $400–$600 and takes 9 hours.
So, how far is north Carolina from Florida?
The distance from Florida to North Carolina is 928 kilometers. 577 miles is how far this flight will take you. The flight from Florida to North Carolina takes one hour if you’re flying (the average speed is 560 miles per hour).03 hours to arrive.